29 May A Special Evening for HBI?s Trilogy Fund
More than 65 city leaders were hosted by Mayor Thomas M. Menino for a festive spring reception at the Parkman House on May 7th. The evening was meant to engage new friends in HBI?s preservation mission and encourage contributions to the Trilogy Fund, the $1 million capital campaign to support preservation of the Hayden Building, the Kittredge House, and the Vertullo Building.
Trilogy Fund campaign chair and co-host for the evening, Ronald Druker, was particularly profound in his
remarks: ?We are here because we are all city-builders and we love this city. It is important that we do our part in preserving the richness of Boston?s past because it speaks to who we are as Bostonians, and it?s the ticket to a healthy and vibrant economic future.?

HBI is grateful for the contributions that have come to the Trilogy Fund thus far, but it is equally grateful for the generosity of spirit from Boston?s civic leadership. As Trilogy Fund donor Larry Curtis of the Winn Companies stated ?With your help, we have no doubt that we will meet our goal; we?ll exceed it!?