26 Mar April 4th Meeting Kicks Off Neighborhood Planning for 50 Cedar Street
Historic Boston Inc. (HBI) will host the first of several neighborhood meetings on Thursday, April 4th from 6 p.m. to 8 p.m. to plan for the preservation and re-use of the historic St. James African Orthodox Church at 50 Cedar Street in Roxbury. The meeting will take place at Putnam Hall at First Church Roxbury, 10 Putnam Street in Roxbury.
HBI purchased 50 Cedar Street in October of 2018 after the neighborhood mobilized to prevent demolition of the historic 1910 church. Recently, HBI has received a $500,000 grant from the City of Boston’s Community Preservation Program to help with acquisition and stabilization of the historic church building. HBI has also hired Hacin + Associates as architects for the project.
The April 4th meeting is an opportunity to learn more about the history of the site and challenges with its rehabilitation. It is also a chance to discuss community priorities for the re-use of the site and financially feasible ways to use elements of the site for new housing.
The meeting is open to the public. Please share the flier below with your neighbors! A light dinner will be served. Please call Historic Boston at 617-442-1859 with any questions or email hbi@historicboston.org. We look forward to seeing you!