11 Dec Comings and Goings on the HBI Board of Directors
Michael Feldman and Derek Lumpkins Join HBI’s Board of Directors
HBI bids farewell to board member Marc Truant
HBI is pleased to announce that Michael Feldman and Derek Lumpkins were recently elected to HBI’s Board of Directors at the organization’s December board meeting.
Michael Feldman is President and CEO of Feldman Land Surveyors, a leading land surveying firm in Massachusetts. In the tradition of his father and grandfather, Michael continues to expand the company’s client base and services, with focus on application of cutting edge technologies to building and land documentation. To preserve the rich history of Boston, Mr. Feldman began the “Scanning Historic Boston,” the pro bono application of 3D laser scanning at three historically significant buildings each year.
Derek Lumpkins is the Director of Neighborhood Partnerships and Programs at Northeastern University where he is responsible for building collaborative programs between on-campus and off-campus organizations in support of the University’s community engagement strategy. Formerly director of Discover Roxbury, Derek served on Mayor Walsh’s Arts & Culture Transition team and Governor Deval Patrick’s Public Art Task Force.
Historic Boston bid a fond farewell to long time board member Marc Truant at the December meeting. Truant’s construction company, Marc Truant and Associates, completed the 1875 Hayden Building for HBI in 2012. Board President Kathy MacNeil presented Marc with a framed photograph of the restored Hayden Building in honor of his many years of service.