23 May HBI Board of Directors’ Comings and Goings
At its annual meeting on April 27th, the directors of Historic Boston Inc. (HBI) re-elected three members of its Board of Directors to new terms and said farewell to two long time board members who will now join HBI’s Council of Advisors.
Brian Awe, Karilyn Crockett, Michael Durand, and Julie Paul Brown were re-elected to HBI’s Board. Awe and Durand were elected to their third three-year terms, and Crockett and Paul Brown entered their second terms as board members.

Brian Awe

Karilyn Crockett

Michael Durand

Julie Paul Brown
HBI bade farewell to Barbara Boylan and Brooke Woodson, both of whom will no longer serve on the board of directors, but will join HBI’s Council of Advisors, a group of organizational friends who work to advance HBI’s work.

Brooke Woodson

Barbara Boylan
“I’d like to take this opportunity to thank Barb and Brooke for their many years of service to HBI, and to say how grateful we are that they will stay in the HBI family as members of the Council of Advisors,” said Michael Durand, HBI’s President. “They both have given so much to HBI, and bring important talents to our work.”
HBI is grateful to all its Board Members and Advisors for their support!