April 12, 2013 May is Preservation Month! Mark Your Calendar for This Keynote Event: Better with Age: Greening Historic Commercial Buildings
Better with Age: Greening Historic Commercial Buildings
Historic preservation is crucial to Boston ?s continuing commercial redevelopment. Revitalizing historic buildings ensures that Boston remains unique among American cities, with blocks of historic downtown commercial buildings. Three presentations will showcase recent adaptive-reuse projects that meld historic preservation and sustainable design treatments. These projects are LEED-certified and they utilized historic tax credits. While the three historic buildings are very different, the techniques employed to increase their sustainability are replicable and will be explored in this presentation by members of the projects? design and development teams:
? 1875 Hayden Building at the corner of Washington and LaGrange streets, the only remaining commercial building in Boston designed by Henry Hobson Richardson, renovated to mixed use with four residential loft units;
? Boston Hostel, 19 Stuart Street in the Theater District, constructed in 1886-1888 as the commercial Dill Building ;
? 5 Channel Center Street , in Fort Point Channel and the Innovation District, constructed by the Boston Wharf Company around 1913, now home to Fraunhofer Institute.
Speakers: Albert Rex, Director-Northeast Office, MacRostie Historic Advisors; Christian Hoepfner, PhD, Scientific Director, Fraunhofer Center for Sustainable Energy Systems; Chris Johns , Managing Partner, CUBE design + research; Gabriel Baldwin, Project Manager, Conservation Services Group, and Michael Davis, FAIA, LEED AP, Principal, Vice President, Bergmeyer Associates.
BSA Space, Atlantic Wharf , 290 Congress Street , Boston
Free and Open to the Public. Seating limited, please rsvp@architects.org with BLC 5-23 in the subject line.
Contact 617-635-3850 or BLC @cityofboston.gov for more information.
Presented by:
The Boston Society of Architects | www.architects.org
The Boston Landmarks Commission | www.cityofboston.gov/landmarks
Mayor?s Office of Environment and Energy Services | http://www.cityofboston.gov/environmentalandenergy