29 Nov National Park Service and GSA Soliciting Ideas for Development of Nine Historic Properties in Downtown Boston and Charlestown Navy Yard
The National Park Service (NPS) and the General Services Administration, with assistance from Colliers International, are seeking ideas and input from private real estate development interests for the redevelopment of nine selected properties totaling over 200,000 SF plus land and a pier (listed below) for commercial use compatible with the Boston National Historical Park. These uses could include hospitality, retail, office or housing. The Park Service-owned office building at 15 State Street. Boston is also included.
On December 5th from 8 a.m. to 12 noon, the National Parks of Boston will host an Industry Day to present its portfolio of potential lease properties in the Charlestown Navy Yard. The public is welcome. A follow-up discussion will be held in January (TBD) to help NPB develop a plan and vision for creative reuse of these properties.
Over the past several years, the National Parks of Boston in collaboration with its Charlestown Navy Yard (CNY) partners, the US Navy and USS Constitution Museum has been actively engaged in the planning and development of a forward looking master development plan for the navy yard. This mulit-faceted planning process looked at how the Charlestown Navy Yard’s story was being told and how buildings and landscape features were being preserved and utilized for interpretation; it explored opportunities for activation of the waterfront and for enhancing community connections through community driven arts and cultural programming. The plan has provided focus in shaping the direction for determining investment priorities that make visitor experience and community engagement a priority and allow for lease of underutilized facilities.
The plan not only has far reaching impacts for the preservation and interpretation of the Yard, but also for serving a vital community function as a connector to our heritage and contributor to addressing community issues. National Parks of Boston hopes to position these facilities for new uses that will not only address park stewardship goals, but that will also add to the character and vitality of the yard and play a role in meeting Boston’s arts and cultural goals.
This link contains an overview of the program with and registration information for December 5th: https://bostoncampaigns.colliers.com/charlestown-navy-yard-development-opportunities-december-5-2019-8am-12pm?hs_preview=hRenjMPz-19686168610
For more information, contact Christina Briggs, Program Director for Planning and Development,
National Parks of Boston, at christina_briggs@nps.gov.