24 Jun Party at 65 Pleasant Street!
There was a party at the Anna Harris Smith house on Wednesday night. Over 60 neighbors, friends, and representatives of the North Bennet Street School, the Animal Rescue League, the Dorchester Historical Society and Historic Boston Incorporated mingled on the lawn of 65 Pleasant Street on a balmy summer evening. Many explored the house, peaking into its several rooms and examining period details like Federal style mantles and fireplaces, all while experiencing the tilting floors and those lovely crooked walls.
Many, many thanks to all of you who came out to see the house last night! A HUGE thank you to Earl Taylor, of the Dorchester Historical Society, for putting together a fantastic slideshow and giving a fascinating talk about the history of the Jones Hill area and giving us an idea of Anna Harris Smith’s world, both through the area houses she may have known and the local people that she may have considered her peers. For those of you who may have missed it (or couldn’t see it, due to that pesky, late-setting sun), please click here for the slideshow.