03 Aug Update on the Eustis Street Fire House
After a terrific groundbreaking ceremony at the historic Eustis Street Fire House in May, you may wonder: where?s the construction? Historic Boston Incorporated is ready to go, but some land access issues related to our abutter, Harrison Supply Company, have prevented the closing on our loans and financing. HBI is working with the owners of Harrison Supply?s site and the City of Boston to secure an easement for access over 300 square feet of land along the side of the fire house that will allow us a secondary egress from the rear of the fire house once preserved. We also need temporary construction period easements for the period of construction. These are all being resolved with representatives of Harrison Supply and their bank.
Sadly, it?s a little more complicated than we?d like, but with the active participation of the BRA and DND, we?re getting closer and would like to assure everyone that it is only a matter of time before we get beyond these legal matters and underway on site. Our goal is to start in September. Anyone should feel free to call Lisa Lewis here at HBI (617 227 4679) with questions or concerns. Thank you, as always, for your ongoing support.