20 Oct Upham’s Corner Comfort Station is a winner!
Historic Boston is honored to have received two awards for the preservation of the historic Upham’s Corner Comfort Station in Dorchester. On October 11th, Preservation Massachusetts presented HBI with the Paul & Niki Tsongas Award at a ceremony at the Massachusetts State House. The event also celebrated the 20th anniversary of the Massachusetts Historic Rehabilitation Tax Credit program and recognized Secretary of State William Galvin and the Massachusetts Historical Commission for their commitment to historic preservation and roles in administering the tax credit program. Most of HBI’s rehabilitation projects are funded in part by the State’s tax credit program, including the Upham’s Corner Comfort Station.
On October 16th, the Boston Preservation Alliance presented HBI with a Preservation Achievement Award for the rehabilitation of the Comfort Station. The Comfort Kitchen team joined HBI at the celebration, which was held at the newly restored Huntington Theater, which was also recognized with a preservation award. HBI congratulates Board member Henry Moss and his colleagues at Bruner/Cott Architects for their impressive restoration of the historic theater.

Photo by Hannah Spicher