29 Apr Vertullo Building Now Fully Rented
Since purchasing the Vertullo Building on Fairmount Avenue in Hyde Park, HBI has been pursuing a five-year historic preservation and redevelopment strategy for the building. Now, with only a few “hiccups” along the way, it is with great pleasure (and some relief) that we announce the building is now fully rented.
As is often the case in undertaking a challenging effort, that last 10% of the goal is often the most difficult to realize. Such was the case for this redevelopment project. Late in the development schedule it became apparent there was a need to fully renovate one of the four apartments located on an upper floor. This added about 6 months to the development schedule but the result was an attractive new apartment that was easily rented with a new heating system, newly finished and painted walls, refinished hardwood floors, an updated bathroom, and all new kitchen cabinets and appliances.
In addition, the last of the five storefront spaces was also recently rented and fills out the compliment of micro-business enterprises that make up the diverse retail businesses of the building. Pure Joy Flower Shop joins Dress With Confidence, The Private Office Barbershop, Intriguing Hair, and Transformations. HBI is pleased to welcome Hyde Park business owners Marta Acevedo-Thomas & Wesley Thomas to the historic Vertullo Building and look forward to the relocation and opening of their flower shop soon. Pure Joy Flower Shop will be a welcome addition to the revitalization of the Fairmount Avenue business district.