
by Dorothy A. Clark Our guest blogger, journalist and historian Dorothy Clark, received her master’s degree in design studies/historic preservation in 2016 from the Boston Architectural College. She is editor of Historic New England Magazineand is an independent researcher. How history is made isn’t always the result...

The challenges we face at the St John St James Church in Roxbury are similar to the predicament faced by many worship spaces across United States today.  The crux of this challenge lies in large spaces for worship being used by parishes that are often...

Mark your calendars and save Friday May 18thand Saturday May 19thfor two extraordinary events heralding the new Roxbury Cultural District. The Roxbury Cultural District was designated by the Massachusetts Cultural Council in a competitive process that evaluated the art and cultural offerings of the neighborhood and...

Historian Karilyn Crockett’s recent book People Before Highways is one of the first studies of the neighborhood leaders who, in the 1960s and 70s, built an extraordinary coalition of grassroots support that stopped the ill-conceivedI-695, also known as the Inner Belt.   The proposed eight-lane superhighway would have...

Historic Boston Inc. congratulates Christopher Scoville as he becomes Chair of the Board of the Boston Preservation Alliance at the organization’s annual meeting on April 9th. Professionally, Chris also works closely with HBI on project financing and is a trusted advisor to the organization.   As Senior Vice President...