
Preservationists and Rep. Blumenauer Urge Chairman Camp to Keep Historic Tax Credit in Reformed Tax CodePosted February 26, 2014House Ways and Means Committee Chairman Dave Camp (R-Mich.) released a discussion draft today of his vision for comprehensive tax reform, and it eliminates the federal historic tax credit. The...

From Fire House to Office Space: Boston's Eustis Street Fire HousePosted on: February 27, 2014By: Lauren Walser When your office is located in an old firehouse, chances are you?re going to get a lot of questions about the fire pole.Sadly, Kathy Kottaridis, executive director of Historic Boston,...

Historic Boston manages several Preservation Easements on properties around the city, and we have found that there is a great deal of confusion concerning what an easement is and how it is created and maintained. Brian Pfeiffer, of Preservation Advisory Services, consultant to HBI on easement...

By Patrick D. Rosso, StaffRestoration efforts at the historic Kittredge House in Roxbury are progressing, as crews work to bring the Linwood Street home back to its original glory.The three-story structure was constructed in 1836 by Alvah Kittredge, a Roxbury alderman, famed furniture maker,...

Work is underway at the Vertullo Building, and the new storefronts are taking shape. Currently, the new framework for the front windows is in place in several of the units. You can see how much more light these new windows will allow into the spaces....

The garden level apartment, taking shape at the Kittredge House  A lot has happened at the Kittredge House since our last update. Today I stopped by to see some of the changes. One of the most notable additions is the work that has been done on the...