
Born in 1915 to Lithuanian immigrants, renowned artist Jack Levine grew up in Roxbury during the early 20th century, a neighborhood that exemplified the American melting pot of Jewish Eastern European, German, and Irish settlers. In his years as a professional artist, Levine earned a...

HBI recently visited the historic Dudley House at 167 Centre Street in Roxbury as part of the State’s current RFP process for the building’s long term lease and re-use.  Closed for nearly a decade, the circa 1825 Federal Period mansion has endured considerable deterioration and...

HBI congratulates Brian Swett, chair of Historic Boston's Council of Advisors, on his appointment to Boston Office Leader for Arup. We are pleased to announce that Brian Swett, Arup principal and Americas Cities Leader, has been named our new Boston office leader. Brian will lead the...

The National Park Service (NPS) and the General Services Administration, with assistance from Colliers International, are seeking ideas and input from private real estate development interests for the redevelopment of nine selected properties totaling over 200,000 SF plus land and a pier (listed below) for commercial...