30 Sep National Register Plaques Installed at Hayden and Kittredge
National Register Plaques were installed at HBI’s Alvah Kittredge House in Highland Park and the Hayden Building in Chinatown this month. Both properties have been listed on the National Register of Historic Places for over thirty years but became official with the installation of the plaques .
The National Register of Historic Places was authorized by the National Historic Preservation Act of 1966 and is “the official list of the Nation’s historic places worthy of preservation.”
In addition the Ingersoll Browne Fund for the City of Boston installed a plaque at the Eustis Street Firehouse in Roxbury this summer. In 2010 the Browne Fund allocated $110,000 in grants to HBI preservation projects in Dudley Square, Fields Corner/Dorchester, and Hyde Park. The grant supported the design and fabrication of the fence that rests on the east side of the Firehouse designed by artist John Taguiri that represents early fire fighters pulling a Hunneman steam engine. The fence and interpretive panels in the patio space alongside the fire house honor the history of the building and its importance in the development of municipal firefighting in Roxbury and Boston.