
HBI is pleased to present the next installment in actor, and Greek Revival enthusiast, Bronson Pinchot's blog series. It is clear from this and his last post that Pinchot is a passionate lover of Greek Revival architecture, and an outspoken advocate for its restoration. His...

Kathy Kottaridis, Executive Director of Historic Boston Inc., has been awarded the Preservation Massachusetts' 2013 Paul E. Tsongas Award for making significant contributions to preserving the Commonwealth's historic resources.PreservationMassachusetts (PM), a statewide non-profit historic preservation organization dedicated to preserving the Commonwealth's historic and cultural heritage, presented...

If you have not yet seen the interior of the newly redesigned Hayden Building, now is your chance to see the newest images of these hip new apartments. All photos courtesy of John Horner Photography. Furniture courtesy of Design Within Reach, and paintings courtesy of...

HBI hired Mills Whittaker Architects to complete comprehensive assessments of conditions and systems at two important frame churches in Boston -- First Church in Roxbury and Second Church in Dorchester.  As that work draws to a close, Don Mills continues the Tale of Two Churches...

Guest Blogger Brian Pfeiffer of Preservation Advisory Services, consultant to HBI on easement management, begins a series of four blog posts on preservation restrictions and their importance to historic preservation and their value to donors.   HBI holds seven easements, mostly on properties where the organization...

This just in from DND: Want to redevelop a piece of history? Last week, DND put the Charlestown Battalion Armory out for RFP.  Located at 374-398 Bunker Hill Street, the Armory provided drill space for four local military companies, including the 192nd Infantry Regiment -...

Actor Bronson Pinchot has an irrepressible enthusiasm for Greek Revival houses.  His passion is evident in his DIY Network show The Bronson Pinchot Project, which documents the revitalization of his 1840 Greek Revival home using architectural salvage.  Bronson recently learned of Historic Boston?s plans to...

MAY23 Preservation Month Keynote EventTHU | 6 PM ? 8 PM         TALKAND RECEPTIONBetter with Age: Greening Historic Commercial Buildings           Historic preservation is crucial to Boston?s continuing commercial redevelopment. Revitalizing historic buildings ensures that Bostonremains unique among American cities, with blocks of historic downtown commercial buildings. Three...